
for an essay

on theory



theory as

-         abyss

-         affliction

-         alt

-         anal

-         banal

-         cancer

-         carrot

-         charity

-         circularity

-         clarity

-         comfort

-         cooptation

-         covering

-         craft

-         dazzlement

-         declaration

-         deracination

-         disavowal

-         discourse

-         discovery

-         dislocation

-         dog whistle

-         dystopia

-         elimination

-         elusion

-         embedment

-         embodiment

-         et al

-         etching

-         exorcism

-         fate

-         father

-         fixation

-         gate

-         glamour

-         haggling

-         hate

-         hats

-         hide

-         hideousness

-         hilarity

-         hip

-         hitch

-         hop

-         hum and haw

-         hyper

-         illumination

-         illusion

-         inflation

-         injury

-         itch

-         jocularity

-         jury

-         location

-         mate

-         materiality

-         matrix

-         mother

-         mummification

-         myopia

-         narration

-         nation

-         ocularity

-         oddity

-         operation

-         operation

-         pathology

-         perjury

-         phantom limb

-         practice

-         pseudology

-         quickfix

-         recovery

-         recuperation

-         red

-         relation

-         retching

-         rod

-         root

-         route

-         rumination

-         schizophrenia

-         self-dislocation

-         self-location

-         serpent

-         sign

-         signified

-         signifier

-         smugness

-         solace

-         stick

-         strategy

-         sublation

-         sublimation

-         substitution

-         surgery

-         technics

-         terror

-         text

-         theoritis

-         theorrhea

-         theory

-         truth

-         uncovering

-         utopia

-         vocabulary

-         x

-         xenophobia

-         xx

-         xxx


. . . to be continued